Masculinity threatened

It’s rather baffling that I was somewhat convinced of you. Now less than 48 hours have passed since our disagreement and you are now reduced to a memory of almost doesn’t count. Thank you also though for reminding me that you and men in general have no grasp of reality. Really no sense of what is happening in the world right now.

Are you for sure suggesting to me that NONE OF YOU HAVE ANY IDEA of how much woman has evolved. It’s no wonder that we seem to come across as combative. You guys are continuously backing us into a corner – WITHOUT TIRE! There are parts of myself that are aching to escape myself just so that we can be together. Just so that we can exist in that space where you are mine and I am yours. Truthfully though, how honest and pure would this space be? How honest and put could this space be?

When did masculinity become so fragile, every woman must wonder?

So fragile that esteem can only be found in the belittling of a female

So fragile that disrespect comes so easy to your tongues

So fragile that the bruises of your ego find themselves on the body of a woman

Masculinity so fragile. When did this become?

I speak of it as being threatened because that is the only concept that could help me concede what is happening in the world right now

Let me bring it back home…

I speak of it as being threatened because that is the only idea that could help me concede what is happening in my mothers home right now.

Father, when did your masculinity become so fragile?

When did your daughters and wife become a threat to your being?